Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Ramadhan Mubbarak / Ramadhan Al-Kareem

As-Salaamu Alaykum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu..

Just a short time ago, we were informed by Newcastle University Masjid, Masjid Tawheed [Grainger Park Road], Madeenah Masjid and Heaton/Elswick Masjid that the first of Ramadhan will be on Thursday, 13th of September, Insha’Allah..

Timetables for the month of Ramadhan will be available in the University Masjid before the Taraweeh Salaah - tomorrow night – and via download, shortly.

Arrangements for Iftaari have also been confirmed, starting on the first of Ramadhaan.. Anyone wishing to contribute towards the Iftaari costs, please contact the Committee Members..

May Allah aza wajall accept our Deeds during this Blessed Month and increase us in Taqwaa… Aameen.

Ramadhan Mubbarak / Ramadhan Al-Kareem