The University is currently undergoing preparations to relocate the Prayer Room to a much larger premises – The proposed Facility will be situated on 2 Floors.. Ground Floor: Brothers / Upper Floor: Sisters.
Each Floor will comprise of: Prayer Hall, Separate Wudu Facilities and 1 Room / Office.
When are We Moving…
The exact date has not yet been confirmed - The University is expecting the new premises to be complete by mid-January, 2008..
Where are We Moving…
The New Prayer Room will be situated on the far end of the University campus [Building Number 25 – see below], near Students Accommodation, Lipman Building [car park] - Behind Claude Gibb Hall [20]. Click on the map for a larger view.
What You Should Do...
The New Prayer Room will be restricted by Swipe Card Entry [Library Card]. Please leave your University email address in the "Comments" section [below] – so that we can arrange access permissions [on your behalf] with the University - prior to the move.
Please Note: There may be Disruptions to our use of the current Prayer Room during the months of December and January.
JazakAllahu Khairun,
NIS Committe
Assalamualaikum I would like to be able to access the prayer room when it is available. My email address is Thank you so much.
Hi, I used to be a student at northumbria but no longer am. I use the prayer room when I am in the town centre and sometimes come for Juma' prayer (as there aren't many mosques which provide prayer area for women), I was wondering if it would be possible for non university member to have access to the prayer facilities?
Wa'Alaykum Salaam,
Your email details have been passed onto Student Services.. All registered Students/Staff will recieve an email to confirm Access shortly. At the moment, we are looking to move on the 21st of January - at the earliest.
JazakAllahu Khairun
Unfortunately, the new Prayer Room will be restricted by Swipe Card [Entry] Access, therefore only Current Students and Staff will be granted Access - as per University Policy.
Once a Student/Member of Staff leaves, their Library Cards will be automatically deactivated.
The Islamic Society of Newcastle University also provides a prayer area for women, and is within walking distance of the Town Centre. You can access their webpage via the link, provided on the right hand side of this page - for Directions [Map] and other details.
Another option, which was suggested by the Chaplaincy [at the University], was to get in contact with the Civic Centre [City Council] and put in a request for the provision of a Prayer Room in the Town Centre - for those that work nearby or are in the area [open for everyone]..
Insha'Allah, we are thinking of taking this project up by collaborating with other Islamic Centres etc, and will update this Site once we recieve further information.
JazakAllahu Khairun
Note: the only non-University members that are allowed access to the new Prayer Room - as per University Policy - are:
[1.] Invited guests / speakers of the NIS Islamic Society, on University campus.
[2.] Current Student's / Member of Staff's direct Dependants.. i.e. Spouse, children
[3.] The Khateeb's
Assalamualaikum, my university email is university email is
thank u
Assalamualikum, please could you allow me access to the new prayer room. Thanks. My email address is
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