Just when we thought we saw the demise of hooliganism, a new wave of youth crime and violence arises on our streets and in our society. The country has never seen such a rise in social ills and problems.
Is there much more the Birtish public can cope with?
Safer Communities: Analysis of modern day
- Community Cohesion: The Problems and Innovative Solutions
- A Response to the ArchBishop’s Comments on Shariah Law in the UK
Napoleon [ex-rapper from 2Pac & The Outlawz]
Clearer Understanding: Racism, Gangs & Gun Culture
- His friendship with Tupac Shakur
- His Experiences in Gangsta Rap and Racism
- The Transformation in His Life
Venue: St James Park, NUFC - Magpie Suite
Date: Thursday, 6th March, 2008
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Free Entry - Sponserships available
Assalaam o alaikum,
I enclose details of our forthcoming evening event entitled "Safer Communities – Clearer Understanding", with guest speaker ‘Napolean, from 2Pac and the Outlaws’ which will be hosted by IDC on 6h March 2008 at Newcastle United FC, St James Park.
The aim of this event is to tackle the ever increasing problem of gang culture, drugs and crime through experience and awareness.
The objective is to raise cultural awareness and diversity through understanding and experience.
Our speakers will talk extensively from first hand experience aorund issues such as:
- Gangs and Gang Culture
- Crime and drugs in our society
- The effects on our society from social ills
- What we can do for our youth
Ash Ali
136 West Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
T: 0191 2733099
F: 0191 2733009
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